3 Quick Tips For Business Owners In 2017

3 Quick Tips For Business Owners In 2017

December 30th, 2016


Have you committed to any New Year’s business resolutions for 2017? Here are three suggestions that may help your sales team and staff be more productive in the upcoming year and enable you to understand better whether they’re doing the job you hired them for. 

Be Clear Regarding Your Company’s Core Beliefs

Take a moment and view your business as a family, and you are the patriarch/matriarch. Be specific with what you expect from family members regarding your company’s values, belief system, and overall mission. Consider this a blueprint for creating a strong business and a manner in which your employees can gauge precisely how they fit into your company culture.

Provide Employees Specific Goals

As a business owner, you owe it to your team to give them direction and let them know upfront what is expected regarding their work on every project. Ignoring this simple detail is the equivalent of setting your employees up for failure; of course, that isn’t your intention. Any good employee wants to exceed client expectations, but they need to hear from you the what, where, when, and why before beginning the work—tell them!

Measure Progress & Results Realistically 

Through the course of a project—don’t wait until the end—check on the progress. Is your employee hitting the milestone dates? Is the project at or under budget? Has your team member addressed and resolved any problems? Most importantly, is the client happy? It doesn’t necessarily have to be you, but someone “in your family” has to look at this information. Communication—without it a business can disappear into the ether—but, when utilized daily, can raise your company to incredible heights.

To learn more about our company’s values or to discuss how we can help your business gain more exposure, attract more leads, and achieve more sales, please call me at 615.257.0057.

To a healthy and prosperous 2017!