Maximize Your Facebook Business Page (Part Three: What And What Not To Post)

Maximize Your Facebook Business Page (Part Three: What And What Not To Post)

November 18th, 2016


Your business page aims to engage, inform, interact, and attract homebuyers. Let’s discuss what you should and shouldn’t place on your timeline.

What To Post On Your Facebook Business Page


You want to share your communities, model homes, and the latest news regarding your homebuilding business with the world, but you must do so with a purpose.

Make sure every post includes the following:

  1. An engaging headline or interesting “lead-in.”
  1. A link takes your followers to a specific page on your website.
  1. An amazing image!


It’s important to note that when you place a link in your post, Facebook pulls an image from your site that will be visible on your timeline. These automatically placed images are often not the correct size and, worse yet, may not even be related to your post.

The proper image size for a Facebook post is 1200 x 627 pixels. Before you publish your post, you can delete the random image Facebook has pulled and place your own properly sized image.


What Not To Post On Your Facebook Business Page

You want to cast a wide net with your Facebook Business Page. That’s why it’s so important never to post anything that will alienate even the smallest percentage of your audience. Avoid hot topics such as politics, religion, gossip, etc. This is not the place for your personal views—this is your social media path to sell more homes!

Next week, I will discuss the ideal posting frequency on your Facebook Business Page and how to schedule posts easily in advance.

I’m available to help you learn more about the importance of social media for your homebuilding business. Feel free to call me at 615.257.0057, and I will happily answer any questions.
