Marketing Blunders Part Six: Poor Use Of Social Media

Marketing Blunders Part Six: Poor Use Of Social Media

March 11th, 2016

Hello homebuilders! I hope you’re finding our ongoing series “The Top Ten Marketing Blunders To Avoid” helpful. Don’t forget, if you want to learn more details on any of the topics we’ve covered this far—Measuring Results, Non-Existent Follow-Up, Indexing Your Homebuilding Website On Google and Not Speaking The Home Buyers’ Language—you can call me directly at 301.416.7861.

Ok, let’s get into this week’s topic: Poor Use Of Social Media!

You likely know that you must have some type of social media presence (at least that’s what everybody says) but you’re not sure why. As a result you dabble with it, but without any measurable results.

Yes, you do need to be active with your social media. Buyers believe what others say about you more than they believe what you say about yourself. Social media allows those who know you to talk about you, tell others how they feel about you and even share your pictures and posts with others that don’t know you. It’s called ‘social proof’, and this, Dear Reader, is powerful stuff.

To be measurably effective, you need a consistent social media strategy – posting content that people love to see and share, and doing so regularly, at least a few times per week. The best social media strategies encourage interaction to get others talking. Quizzes, contests and polls – particularly when there are prizes or awards available – are great ways to get people involved while at the same time spreading your message. Each poll or question should drive traffic to a landing page or back to your website where you can capture contact information, then nurture their interest even further with an automated campaign. Social media, like all other marketing, is about building a list of interested prospects that are actively looking for your product.

What’s The Bottom Line?

Implications: You can spend time, money and energy on social media, but without a good strategy with a clearly defined goal, you’re not going to get much traction.

Solution: Understand what your buyers’ interests, which social networks they use, how you will get them to take action, and how much time it will take to manage your social media. Develop your strategy and budget, post consistently and measure your results.

There you have it. Being socially active is much more than simply setting up a Facebook page!

Next week I’m going to get into one of my pet peeves, a marketing mistake that a lot of well-intentioned business owners make without even knowing it—Cheap Photography! Till next time!